Mit Freude blickt Frédéric Rouzaud auf die Ranken der sattgrünen Reben, begutachtet die achtsam gereiften, von feinem Morgentau überzogenen Trauben, welche später in den aromatischen Eichenfässern zu erstklassigen Weinen werden. Er führt in siebter Generation das renommierte Champagnerhaus Louis Roederer, welches als eines der letzten noch im Familienbesitz ist. Respekt gegenüber der Natur, Sorgfalt und Geduld bei der Kultivierung sowie handwerkliches Können und Wagemut bei der Verarbeitung sind seine Zutaten für exzellente Qualität. Ein Werteverständnis, welches er mit anderen Weingütern teilt, die sich nun unter dem Dach der Roederer Collection vereint haben.

When Louis Roederer acquired first-class Grand Cru vineyards in Champagne two centuries ago, it was nothing short of a visionary decision – and the foundation stone for a company that still stands for excellence in wine production today. Passion, foresight and expertise have been passed down from generation to generation, continuously developed and enriched with bold innovations. The company still follows a philosophy of modesty and a down-to-earth mentality: Listening to nature and protecting it with care, respecting conditions as they change and responding to them sustainably are firmly anchored in the corporate ethos. Frédéric Rouzaud, Président Directeur Général, sees this clear commitment to values and, above all, the independence of the family business as a key strength: it enables freedom of design, allows creative thinking and dynamic approaches and creates the foundation for an independent identity. And so the merger of several wineries to form the Roederer Collection should not be seen as a strategic move; far rather, it is the result of authentic encounters in which a shared understanding of values has created a far-reaching bond. All Maisons operate under one roof, guided by a luxury-driven approach based on the highest quality standards, patience and uncompromising behaviour. An approach that preserves outstanding savoir-faire tradition and allows for innovative experiments. At the same time, each of the Maisons operates independently, with its own history and individual style. The Roederer Collection is, therefore, more than the sum of its parts: it inspires all as a complete work – a composition with rich diversity in which uniqueness and excellence unfold.

The Roederer Collection
Louis Roederer Champagne, Champagne, France
Domaines Ott, Provence, France
Ramos Pinto, Douro, Portugal
Delas Frères, Rhônetal, France
Château de Pez, Saint-Estèphe, France
Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, Pauillac, France
Diamond Creek Vineyards, Napa Valley, USA
Merry Edwards Winery, Sonoma, USA

Champagne Louis Roederer
Louis Roederer combines tradition, innovation and sustainability spanning 240 hectares of vineyards in the three most important growing regions of Champagne. According to the 'Liberté à la Roederer', the Roederer Collection 244 was also developed, a revolutionary cuvée champagne that fits perfectly into the Roederer Collection, and not just because of its name.

Domaines Ott*
Domaines Ott comprises three wine estates with a total of 261 hectares of vineyards in Provence: Château de Selle (AOC Côtes de Provence) in Taradeau, Clos Mireille in La Londe les Maures (Côtes de Provence) and Château Romassan (AOC Bandol) in Castellet. Château de Selle also produces a Côtes de Provence Rosé under the By.Ott label.

Ramos Pinto
Founded in 1880, the Portuguese winery Ramos Pinto is based in the Douro region and is known for its outstanding wine compositions. Ramos Pinto's wines are made from 100% of its own vines. One of these is the RP 20 Years – elegant, complex and a multiple gold award winner.

Maison Delas Frères
Since 1835, the 'Winzerherz' of Delas has been beating to the rhythm of the northern vineyards of the Rhône Valley with the highest standards, passion and respect. Since 2019, the 30 hectares of vineyards (particularly Hermitage, Crozes-Hermitage and Saint-Joseph) have been joined by a centre of excellence for vinifying and ageing the most prestigious wines.

Château de Pez
Château de Pez – located in the west of the municipality of Saint-Estèphe – is one of the oldest wine estates in the Bordeaux region. It spans 48 hectares of contiguous vineyards which, under the direction of Nicolas Glumineau, produce wines characterised by aromatic complexity, finesse and a perfectly balanced structure.

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande
The history of the château in the Pauillac appellation, on the banks of the Gironde, dates back to 1689. In 2007, it was taken over by Louis Roederer. It possesses an exceptional terroir of 102 hectares of its own vines, which create the basis for a great Pauillac wine – elegant and balanced between strength and finesse.

The Roederer Collection lives up to its name and represents a valuable collection of renowned wineries: Champagne Louis Roederer and Cristal are joined by renowned Maisons from Bordeaux, Provence and the Rhône Valley, as well as from Portugal’s Upper Douro Valley, and many more. For all of them, the top priority is to inspire people with authentic quality that demonstrates a love of detail and skilful craftsmanship. Instead of expansion, the focus is on delivering sustainable growth, a deep appreciation of the unique terroirs and ensuring sufficient time, which is necessary for ensuring conscientious production with respect to biodiversity and biodynamics. Wine distribution companies are also part of the Roederer Collection. One of these is Maisons Marques et Domaines Suisse: the subsidiary of Louis Roederer, based in Schönenwerd, specialises in exclusive distribution in Switzerland and offers a diverse range of top-class wines from the Roederer Collection. 'Fashions come and go, but tradition and quality always remain modern' – this is the credo of MMD Suisse General Director, Martin A. Barak. He also embraces the philosophy of the Roederer Collection – recognisable not only by the range’s high degree of quality and authenticity, but also by the long-term relationships characterised by a sense of appreciation with customers and partners. Fully committed to excellence.